Building Learning Communities in Digital Spaces – First Lessons

‘Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.’


The above reference from The Wizard of Oz has become an expression when one finds themselves in new and unfamiliar territory. To call this academic year, new and unfamiliar is an understatement to say the least. It has been a series of firsts for me. My first time of organising Induction & Orientation activities for online delivery. The first time of delivering teaching and learning activities without having met our students in person or even in the tiny little ‘boxes’ in my Collaborate classroom. However, as I come to the end of the third week of teaching and I begin the reluctant  gradual acceptance of what is actually within my control at the moment with respect to teaching, a short note from a student prompted me to reflect.

“…I also wanted to say that the session yesterday was really great. I really enjoy your classes.

Brief.. but was like a glass of cold water after walking for hours in a desert. After weeks of going round in circles, decision making and increasing anxiety about how everything was going to go this year, it was some validation that I did not even realise I needed. It got me thinking about what could be have prompted the feedback and space to reflect and get a more accurate picture about how things are going. COVID-19 is not going anywhere, and I cannot tell how long we will be in the spaces we are currently occupying – as educators and as learners. These lessons are from my reflections and are helping me to navigate the sea of uncertainties in respect to facilitating learning in the digital/virtual/online spaces we all occupy at the moment.

“We are not ‘just’ delivering lectures, seminars, webinars or attending them. We are building, hopefully, a vibrant community of learners.”

Amara Anyogu, PhD (@intentionalacad)

Being intentional – Over our two-week Induction, I had the opportunity to ‘meet’ with the students on our course and share my thoughts and hear from them about building community. Research shows that learners who develop a sense of belonging are more likely to be successful in achieving their learning goals. I talked with our new learners about how they were not just joining an institution but a community of educators and learners. While community members may have distinct roles and responsibilities, there should be a shared, communal goal of achieving success. Each individual brings something to the table, each individual has a responsibility towards ensuring learning happens. While our community is still taking shape, it has been so heart-warming to see so many acts of kindness from our students. Developing a communal set of ‘netiquette’ principles for our online sessions, students managing discussion boards and chats, answering their peer’s questions and queries before I can even pick them up. We had our first onsite session this week and it was so great to meet in person. Afterwards, I realised there was no real awkwardness of meeting for the first time. Investing time over two weeks for Orientation enabled us to feel like we had known each other as there were different opportunities to engage. It was like meeting someone you ‘know’ from social media when you have built up enough positive interactions to get over the initial awkwardness. Learning, is in part a social activity and as the semester goes on, I hope we can continue to build on this. Building a community anywhere and at anytime is hard work but it is so essential.

Embracing speaking into space – I have been a silent observer in many Teams chats, email discussion threads and Twitter conversations about our discomfort as educators of seemingly speaking into space i.e. learners not using their videos. Over the summer, I had the opportunity to participate in and moderate panel discussions and speak to large audiences at online meetings. The first time I gave a talk and could only see my slides, I remember calling out to ‘space’, ‘Can anyone hear me?’ It felt so odd…I cannot believe I miss the whole spectrum from engaged to bored, incredulous to antagonistic facial expressions in my classroom. A few months later, I am adjusting, the key word being ‘I’. Of course, we would prefer to put a face to the names in the little boxes on our screen and pick up on body language cues when facilitating sessions. However, as an introvert who often switches off her own video in large group settings, I can empathise. For many students, it is less about engagement and more to do with bandwidth, nerves, and maybe even trust. I love this discussion from Dr Carina Buckley which is encouraging us to focus less on cameras and more on creating avenues for students to participate. I choose to meet students where they are. ‘I would love to see who I am speaking with but please only do this when you are ready’ is my position. I am trying to remind students that their voice matters in the classroom and to use it as. My class has over 160 students who are just starting their Higher education journey. As the weeks progress, I can see more students speaking in class and switching their cameras on in the smaller breakout sessions. I even got interrupted once (smile emoji), a nostalgic reminder of face to face lessons. For any educators out there teaching large groups, I totally understand.

Image credit – Pixabay

Finding what works includes failing forward – As we approached online learning, there were many webinars, many ‘how to’ guides and many discussion forums focused on ‘how to get it right’ online. Asynchronous vs. synchronous? Should we Kahoot or Padlet or PollEverywhere or Google Doc? Chats on or off in large lectures? I remember being told about the attention span online is much shorter than face to face, so to embed an activity after each 7-minute period of speaking. A positive element of learning in digital spaces is the disruption to the status quo. I am asking new questions about the clarity and alignment of learning outcomes, how I am orientating students towards the topic being discussion and better ways to display information and support students in reviewing their learning. However, I must confess being overwhelmed by the plethora of how to’s. I have decided to start by keeping it simple (and sensible) and working from there. I identified that a lot of my anxiety was centred around perfection. How does one achieve perfection as a novice though? As a scientist, I believe in evidence. Experiment, analyse data and make a decision. My simple idea was to deliver synchronous learning around pedagogic principles I use in face to face but realising that while there are many tools (and many of these are useful) I do not need to use all of them, all of the time. In addition, having identified that some learners are engaging asynchronously, it is important that my design includes them too. Some things work, some things not so much. I realised that online, everything seems to take slightly longer. Two hours goes by like its 30 minutes but after the session I feel like I have been at it for 4 hours…lol! How to find a balance between responding to chats in a room with 150 people and delivering, try toggling between ‘chats on and off’ or shut down the notifications. Ask the students what works best and keep an open mind. I am still trying to find the right balance between in class and independent activities and the best tools for engagement in class but I have noticed these days that with most breathes come the mantra to ‘Keep it simple and fail forward.’

Doing starts with being – This took me back to thinking about the best teachers I have had the good fortune of meeting over my studies and career. They may not always have had the slickest slides or the most polished presentations, but there were other, more valuable (to me anyway) things they had in common. They always had a passion for their subject, were patient and creative in explaining difficult concepts and more importantly made me feel I mattered. In a highly metric driven, performance-oriented space that HE has become, it can be easy to forget that at the heart of education and learning are people. Educators, professional service providers and learners, all working together towards a common purpose. Human imperfect beings who are (mostly) doing their best. Yes, I found a way to bring it back to community. Strong communities identify their core values and try their best to live these out in practice. Sometimes in all our learning about how to ‘do’ things differently online, I hope we do not forget to ‘be’. To do good things starts from being good. In these times we have found ourselves, we need to be kind, compassionate, empathetic, sympathetic…to ourselves and then to others.I have received so many kind messages from my students this year, more than I can remember in previous years. At the end of sessions, many students post a Thank you in the chat before leaving the classroom.  In a meeting with my personal tutee last week, she shared that her anxiety at starting University as a mature student was reduced by what she called ‘my positive attitude.’ I was not even aware of what I may have said or did that supported her arriving at that conclusion.  We are all living (teaching, learning, working) in a pandemic. We should not forget this. I think all students starting this year are heroes. I am not sure if I could display some of the resilience I have seen over the last few weeks when I was at the stage of my studies.. Whether we are sending emails or setting deadlines, we should not forget. We should give the compassion we would like to receive. On my to do list is to find spaces and networks that top up my wellbeing. It is hard to exhibit empathy for a student or colleague when you are stressed and running on empty. I have a lot of work to do on my ‘being.’

So, there it is, a few lessons from a few weeks. Although physically tired, I do feel slightly mentally stronger than at the start of the academic year with. I am hopeful for what the next few weeks have in store and will be back to share them. Please do share how your teaching (or learning) has been progressing online. Let us learn from each other.

About our writer – Dr Amara Anyogu is a widening participation educator with expertise in developing and leading Foundation year programmes to support successful transitions into Higher Education for all students. She is a microbiologist with research interests in food safety and security issues. This includes antimicrobial resistance in the food chain, harnessing microbial diversity for food production and the microbiology of food spoilage. A firm believer in the benefits of mentoring in building a successful career, she is the Co-Founder of the Aspiring Professionals Hub, a professional development resource for successful early career professionals. She is also the Co-Convenor of the Nigerian Applied Microbiologists network, a platform for developing research collaborations and mentoring a new generation of scientists. She tweets @intentionalacad.

Plagiarism: Mischief-making, Poor Scholarship or Ignorance?

Rewind, 25-30 years ago, no global internet, no responsive search engines, no searchable databases and very few had access to learning materials, academic papers, thesis and textbooks. Then, if you had an assessment, you used a physical library, read old books and wrote assessments within the limitations of your educational environment and infrastructure. Fast forward to 2020, now we are all learning virtually, the internet is global, even in the most hard-to-reach areas and education is becoming universal.

One thing has not changed within that timeline; poor scholarship and sometimes mischief-making in the classroom/learning environment. This poor scholarship and mischief-making is the focus of this article today and is known as Plagiarism in education, academic and publishing settings.

Plagiarism has been defined as “presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition.” University of Oxford (link)


Synonyms of plagiarism. Source (

Plagiarism this phenomenon is almost as old as I can remember and is usually known by different terms depending on where you are in the world e.g. exam malpractice, cheating, dubbing, being smart etc. I first encountered this term during my first degree and I realised how serious this act is how severe the consequences can be. In some environments (no name calling here), these behaviours were/are enabled by poor academic quality in an institution, lack of tools to verify cheating, stealing or creative transference of someone’s work presenting as the work of another. Some of us might be all too aware of the “handout” or “small textbook” culture in some academic institutions in the world.

These are text re-packaged from the efforts of others with no acknowledgement of the original sources. This is plagiarism, dishonest and frankly illegal behaviour. Why do people plagiarise? There are many reasons why this happens and the University of Nottingham lists several reasons why students and people generally do this (see full article here)

  • Bad time management skills
  • Unable to cope with the work load
  • “The tutor doesn’t care, why should I?”
  • External pressure to succeed
  • Lack of understanding
  • “I can’t do this!”
  • “I want to see if I can get away with it”
  • “I don’t need to learn this, I only need to pass it”
  • “But you said work together!”
  • “But that would insult the experts in the field

Perhaps, you might recognise some of the phrases or reasons among this list and it is important to recognise that plagiarism is not always international however irrespective of the intentionality, recklessness or naivety; it is a disciplinary offence University of Oxford (link).

What is the impact and what are the penalties?
Evidence shows that students who plagiarise, cheat or commit an academic offence always believe they can get away without consequences. These days it is much harder to cheat or plagiarised submitted work. This is something that has also impacted people outside education including writers, politicians, researchers etc.

Some of the examples of the real life consequences of plagiarism include

  • Guttenberg plagiarism scandal refers to the German defence minister, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg who had copied large sections of work for his research without attribution or citing the work in 2007. This led to him resigning from his position and he was also stripped of his PhD (Columbia College, Canada: link)
  • In Korea’s Summer of Plagiarism, a blog article written by Jonathan Bailey (link), there were several cases of plagiarism, which included authors, Minister of Health, several government officials leading to calls for reform in the publishing industry.
  • Newspaper editor at the New York Daily News was fired for plagiarising parts from another article published in another newspaper The Daily Beast (link)

These are just some examples and just a quick online search would reveal many cases and examples. Academics have lost jobs for plagiarised work, Vice-Chancellors dragged before court, authors taken to court and lost revenue, with some facing jail time for work they plagiarised 20, 30 years in the past. This highlights the importance of doing your own work, acknowledging the work of others, learning good scholarship and staying away from trouble.

What is the impact for students?
For students, the consequences of plagiarism include: reduction of assessment marks, failure on course component, damaged reputation, poor job references, failure of an academic year, ejection from the course or the University or College. The consequences can go from light to very severe.

Very often, students who plagiarise or commit academic offense fail to realise the impact can be wider than what happens in school, college or University. You could be refused a job if you’ve been found to plagiarise in College or University. You could also be refused formal references from previous tutors or mentors etc.

These might appear harsh, however, do ask yourself, would you be pleased to be attended to by a doctor, a nurse, dentist or surgeon if you found out they cheated their way through college?

In addition, if you found out your boss at work, the Director of your organisation or the person who decides your promotion or future at work is only in their position because they cheated their way through their degree. I bet you would see that as a travesty! Therefore, the consequences are usually greater than the act in itself.

How do you avoid plagiarising or committing an academic offence?
In an article Avoiding Plagiarism by the University of Leicester’s Student Learning Development Centre, several steps have been suggested (Read the full article here)

  • Fully reference and acknowledge the work of others
  • Use your own words and develop your own writing style
  • Organise and structure your work in your own way
  • Don’t be afraid to express your own views

Several Universities provide plagiarism-checking software for students to check essay submissions, reports, thesis and other academic work for poor academic writing, poor citations or elements of unacknowledged work. Some examples of these tools include Turnitin, Blackboard SafeAssign etc. you can also find some free software online including examples like Grammarly.

Where can you find help or advice?
The links provided in this article or any good University would have free advice on how you can avoid plagiarism and there are many examples you can learn from with scenarios. It would be really, valuable to embed yourself in this activity especially now if you are a student or researcher with little knowledge of this. We will share articles on good writing and good academic writing on the hub soon however if you are new to academic writing, you can start with our previous article

Better still get in touch with us on any of our social media platforms or by email at

So, every time you are faced with any writing, academic or non-academic, remember these steps

  • Read widely
  • Understand the concepts and context
  • Use your own words, do not copy and paste
  • Cite and acknowledge any and every author you have referenced.
  • Use a plagiarism checker
  • Smile

This article was written by Dr Emmanuel Adukwu (Tweets @EmmanuelAdukwu). He is a leading academic at a UK University with significant experience supporting students at undergraduate, masters and doctoral level. He is also the co-creator of the Aspiring Professionals Hub. If you enjoyed reading the article, do leave a comment at the bottom of this article. Also, don’t forget to appreciate the efforts by following our pages on InstagramTwitter and Facebook. Thank you.

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A guide to writing the personal statement for your university or college application

Let’s face it, you are probably one of those who following the prolonged lockdown, you’ve had lots of time to think about everything including your life, experiences and of course, your career. Perhaps the pandemic has given you that fresh sense of purpose to pursue that undergraduate, masters or doctorate degree you have been putting off for a long time. If only, applications were so simple and you do not have to write that personal statement as well, I feel you!

The personal statement happens to be very important in the university recruitment process as it helps provide information about you beyond the structured application forms and is a good chance to “sell yourself” and showcase your talent as well as providing the recruiting institution with intelligence on the type of support you might need if you are offered a place.

To my knowledge, in the UK, US and some other countries, the personal statement can be used as evidence or support document for scholarships. For practice based courses such as Nursing and Midwifery, Allied Health courses, Medicine and Surgery, Education etc., the personal statements are particularly important in the candidate selection process as some of these programmes have caps on the numbers of students they can enrolled on the programme each year.

What makes a good personal statement?

A personal statement is only as good as the thought that goes into it, the originality of the written statement and the quality of the written material.

What do I mean by this?

Before applying for any course at University or HE at any level undergraduate or postgraduate, it is important to give a lot of thought to it. This is because higher education is getting more and more expensive with a continuous rise in tuition fees. In addition, the job market continues to evolve which impacts the types of degrees on offer and also determines the types of programmes created to match future skills. These days, I expect applicants and their families (if young adults) to ask themselves some key questions. These questions should form the basis of the application and eventually enables the personal statement when you decide to write it.

  • What is my career goal?

You might have heard this question as a child “what would you like to be when you grow up.” If you are reading this article, I would like to think you are now “grown up” and aware of your career interest(s).

  • Which University offers the course I am interested in?
  • What level of study suits my level of experience?

This question is particular important for those who have alternative qualifications such as OND/HNDs, or those with a Bachelors considering a Masters and thinking of furthering to a PhD. Did you know that you could undertake a PhD without a Masters? I bet some of you didn’t – Well, I will be waiting for my Palm wine or Chardonnay from you for this gem of an information.

  • How will I fund my studies? Will my family be paying? Will I be taking a loan?
  • Am I ready for the commitment?

University study can be fun but it MUST take something from you for it to fulfil its purpose. It should not be a “walk in the park” or so easy without pushing and testing your limits.

If you have pondered on these questions, and started your application, then you are ready to start your personal statement. The following points are a guide to helping you construct your unique statement.

Firstly, you need a structure. Some applications might require you type it into a online document while others will expect you to send a word or PDF document.

  • You must have a title e.g. Personal Statement for MSc Nursing and Midwifery at Saturn University. You will need to include your name and your application number (if available) so they can link it to your application
  • Your personal statement should have like any other essay, an introduction (who you are), the body of the essay (why you have applied) and the conclusion or summary (why you deserve or should be considered for the place).

Then you need to think specifically about the course or programme you have applied for.  

  • Why you have applied for the course. For example, a statement “ I have applied for the MSc in Magic Recovery Mechanisms at Houdini University because……
  • Why have you chosen to apply to the University e.g. Houdini University is the first in line of Universities that…..or…Having read through the brochures or spoken to the programme team, I found the magic at the University to be the best magic programme/course at the Universities I considered etc.
  • How is this course relevant to my experience or your career interest? Here, you can think about your career interests, goals and how the course aligns to it.
  • What skills do you have and what do you hope to gain from the course?
  • Why is a place on this course important to you?

Finally, I recommend you include what you will bring to the course/programme. This could be some of your own experience in a previous job, degree, volunteering or anything of relevance that would help the selectors get a strong sense of who you are.  This could also be your personality, your zest fro life and your passion for learning etc.

Remember, the statement needs to be original. It serves no use copying the statement of others but you can learn from that of others. In addition, typos, errors, poorly written statements, bad grammar would reduce your chances of getting a place on the course. You might be a high flying candidate but a dose of humility always helps, so do not make yourself appear as a jerk to the selection panel so get a second opinion on your statement before you submit to ensure all errors and mistakes are minimal at best.

Remember, your originality matters. Image source Khamkhor on pixabay

With this, you are good to go and good luck with your applications.

This article was written by Dr Emmanuel Adukwu (Tweets @EmmanuelAdukwu). He is a leading academic at a UK University with significant experience supporting students at undergraduate, masters and doctoral level. He is also the co-creator of the Aspiring Professionals Hub. If you enjoyed reading the article, don’t forget to appreciate the efforts by following our pages on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Thank you.

Oh and do not forget to leave us a comment and share with others who might benefit from this article!

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The Art of Losing is Hard to Master

Fondly but with a heavy heart I pay homage to my supervisor Dr Victor Ukaegbu who joined the Performance Studies division in The University of Northampton in 1997 and moved to the University of Bedfordshire in 2013. He was the founding General Secretary of the African Theatre Association (AfTA) and published widely on African, Black British and Diaspora theatres and on performance making. He left this world on July 2, 2019.

Formal tributes are hard to relate to because of their expression, dense narrative, and to a great extent exaggerated eulogizing, and sometimes for their factual style which verges on to apathy. For the same reason when I planned to write something in the loving memory of my supervisor, whom I have recently lost, I did not think about writing a conventional tribute. I thought about all his traits – commitment, hard work, and dedication – that he had surreptitiously influenced me with and which over the period of time became an important part of my personality. This is what I call the power of a successful supervisor, who leads us towards the journey to self-exploration, not only making us complete a project but also helping us achieve completion. A supervisor prepares us to take a journey from being a supervisee to becoming a supervisor. In between this ‘being’ and ‘becoming’ lies the energy that supervisors spend on their supervisees.

PhD Candidate? Develop a Career Plan or Stack Shelves…

After several conversations with some  PhD students recently, I was struck by one common thread, the lack of awareness or astuteness in planning or developing their own careers and lack of confidence in seeking help. Note, in this article, I use candidate and student interchangeably!

PHD labourSo why this article?

Many PhD students whilst studying for a higher degree approach their careers in a manner no different from undergraduate (UG) students i.e. they typically wait to the end of the PhD and then panic stations which manifests itself in last minute CVs, poor application outcomes and pressure to make career choices.  With a PhD comes high expectations and sadly poor post-PhD career outcomes. Thus, it is imperative that PhD candidates understand the importance of the PhD.

As a PhD candidate, you need to view your project as a form of Project Management – think about it, you are given an idea or a project, you investigate challenges around the idea, often work with different stakeholders (sponsors, supervisors, other students, graduate school, community, peers at conferences etc.), proffer solutions and produce a report which you are expected to and usually defend to an expert committee.